Yablo Blog

The offical blog for Yablo news, stories and updates.

featured image thumbnail for post Mastering Outlook: A simple guide to Shared Mailboxes in Outlook
  • Productivity

Managing a shared mailbox in Outlook can streamline team communication and improve efficiency. Whether you’re dealing with customer service emails, sharing a project inbox, or handling departmental inquiries, a shared mailbox allows multiple people to monitor and send emails from the same address.

featured image thumbnail for post How AI is transforming customer service in manufacturing
  • Manufacturing

Delivering excellent customer service requires coordinated teamwork across various departments. When teams aren't synchronized and work independently, it can harm customer satisfaction. Discover how AI can support manufacturing companies by improving their customer communication processes, resulting in faster response times and higher customer satisfaction levels.

featured image thumbnail for post How to use AI to route messages
  • Productivity

In the fast-paced world of customer service, one of the most challenging tasks revolves around efficiently routing incoming inquiries to the appropriate team or team member. Discover how AI can drastically reduce resolution times by connecting customers with the right agents.

featured image thumbnail for post How many work emails is too many?
  • Productivity

We’ve all heard people complaining about emails. Rightly so, as email overload is a real thing that should be taking seriously. But how many emails is too many?

featured image thumbnail for post Add your personal work email to Yablo
  • product update

Yablo is a great tool to manage your shared mailboxes but, with the introduction of My Inbox, you can now also manage your personal work email right inside Yablo.